
Watson and Kiko

@watsonandkiko biography

Story Highlights
  • Name : Watson & Kiko
  • From : Washington
  • Mother's Name : Jennifer
  • Kiko Hair Color : Brown
  • Watson Hair Color : White

Who are Watson & Kiko, and how did they become famous?

Watson and Kiko are two ravishing best friends or more than that. They are currently living in Washington with her mom, Jennifer. Watson and Kiko have more than 2 million followers on TikTok and 40 million likes similarly on youtube and Instagram they also get plenty of fan following by their loved ones. Watson and Kiko owner Jennifer shares Kiko painful journey which he had gone through even doctor told Jennifer that Kiko has short life expediency the particular reason for this is Kiko had gotten cancer so it’s hard to recover, however, Jennifer does not care that and take care Kiko with his best friend Watson they played, traveled and so on. In spite of the doctor warning, Jennifer loved Kiko and now Kiko is fit as a fiddle, but Jennifer still needs to check up Kiko with Veterinarian and now Watson and Kiko are living a happy life with their mum, Jennifer



Why Kiko does not have one leg?

Kiko had gone through cancer and he had to cut off this leg according to the veterinarian

Kiko’s story

 Jennifer, Kiko mother explained everything here


Jennifer shares Kiko story everyone gets emotional on TikTok


Kiko and Watson!!


@wat.ki0Be the Watson to my Kiko ##fyp ##besties ##goldenretriever

♬ Home – Edith Whiskers

Watson is sorry for eating Kiko chewy and he apologizes to Kiko!!


Watson loves to cuddle!!


Watson taking care of Kiko!!


Birthday Celebration!!!


Cute Compilation!!


Ecstatic Kiko!!


Cute Check!!


Family Cuddles!!



A family photo for a change.
Love how happy this photo is. The big smiles the boys have. We all had a stress-free day that day, just enjoying each other’s company.
I hesitated to upload this because I hate photos with me in it but this one is the exception – Jennifer Waston, and Kiko mom




The first photo of Kiko is before he came to live with us. He does look a bit rough but at that moment he did not know his life was about to change. He was going to meet his brother and best friend, the one he would share so many adventures with.
In the second photo, he has a sad look, he wasn’t used to baths yet, lol.
Moving forward after that and as I started to take more photos of him it’s been hard to capture Kiko without a smile. Ever since he knew he had a stable happy home with us Kiko is a happy boy.
He has been throughout a lot and yet he still smiles and is very joyful.
That’s why I decided to share 10 photos of Kiko today to see how he has evolved the past 5 years he has been with us and just to appreciate a beautiful good boy Jennifer – Waston, and Kiko mom 

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